frequently asked questions.




Our Sunday service is at 10am. 

Find here the rest of our weekly services.

Not at all. Everyone is welcome. In fact, majority of our congregation are from various denominational backgrounds.

 We are over 500 plus in size.5

Through our contact page, you can talk to any of our ministers or pastors.

e-church & COMMUNITY

We host events that cater to our community like food pantry distributions, donations and volunteer services.

Click here to read about our ministry teams.

Yes you can join our eChurch through the watch page. Join the conversation!

You can signify your interest by filling out this form.


No!  Dressing up is not a requirement to worship. Some do wear their “Sunday best” but you’re also likely to see someone in a casual shirt, or even jeans. It’s more important to show up, ready to worship God.

We greet each other so everyone feels welcomed; we share announcements and church news; we sing and worship through praise sessions led by our choir; we share the congregation’s joys and concerns and lift them to God in prayer; we read the Bible and talk about it through the sermon; we collect an offering to further God’s work.

Children are a special part of our congregation and we value them as full participants in the life of our church. Sunday School classes for children (preschool through the 12th grade) begin at  11am following the  worship session, children ages 3 years old through second grade are dismissed to participate in their own time of singing, prayer and Bible learning.

There are two giant wooden doors at the front of the building. Feel free to use this entrance.

We have three parking lots-one in front of the Church, behind the Church, and beside the Church on the open field. We recommend you park in the front lot unless it is overfilled.

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